Sonoma Gymnastics Academy stays sustainable and clean every day
Taking care of yourself also means taking care of the environment around you. On a larger scale, this means taking care of our Earth and all its inhabitants. But staying clean and sustainable, even on a global scale, has to start in a small way.
At SGA, we clean our walls, we wipe our doorknobs, we mop the floors, clean the bathrooms every day, get under and on the bleachers, behind cubbies and cabinets and we work hard to make sure not even a single cobweb lingers too long at the gym. We always use disinfectant and we also make sure to use gloves to protect our skin.
“It all comes down to organization and if the environment around me is clean and not cluttered, I definitely organize my thoughts faster. I can be an overall better person. I feel better. And if everything around me is dirty, I don’t feel good.” – Mary Jambon
Best practices have the best results. At SGA, it’s a team effort. Everyone pitches in a little bit, but most importantly, we do a little bit every day. Every single bit of clutter we organize each day helps us maintain a healthier and happier environment, which ultimately helps our staff be better instructors, better friends and overall better people.