Flips. Fitness. Fun.

Summer Camp enrollment is live! Class Enrollment for the March/April session is now OPEN! You can sign up under the Classes tab or through your parent portal. March/April session Starts on March 3rd. If you sign up mid-session, you will only be charged for the remaining classes until the next session.

Our Next Drop-In Day is January March 29th from 12:00-1:00 pm!

Sign up today for our next Kids Night At the Gym 3/22 & 4/26 from 4:00-8:00 pm. Dinner and desert are provided.

New Student RegistrationParent Portal Login

Why Choose Gymnastics?

Gymnastics stimulates the brain and nervous system of young children while they are growing through important developmental stages. Cross-body movements fire impulses between the two brain hemispheres increasing cognitive function and coordination. Join us in class and get those synapses firing!

We are conveniently located at 1620 Carneros Meadows Lane, Suite #108, Sonoma, CA 95476

Our Staff

Learn about our staff members!

Mary Jambon-Corzine Owner/She.E.O

Born and raised in Southern California, Mary started her gymnastics career in Gymboree with her mom. She competed through to level 8 by the time she was a freshman in high school, then she went on to do varsity cheerleading, and competed professionally thereafter until she was 22. She’s done music videos and workout videos, she’s worked in the solar industry and the events industry, and now is the She.E.O. of GymJambon.

Aidan Callister

Aidan comes to us with a background in Parkour and Gymnastics, training and competing at level 8. He works with younger and older kids to bring out their athletic abilities while putting a smile on their faces. He enjoys teaching our beginning athletes and shaping them into strong gymnasts. Our GymNinja program has been one of his main focuses in the Gym, giving young Ninjas someone to look up to as he teaches them the starting foundations of Parkour.

Keaton Davis Xcel/Recreational Coach

Some people also know this young man as “the Flips for Tips guy!” Sonoma grown, Keaton started his gymnastics career at 8 years old, as an athlete at REG in Petaluma, where he trained and competed through level 9 in the boys JO program. He is super enthusiastic not only to be back in the sport as a coach, but to bring gymnastics to his hometown, and give back to his community the same understanding, discipline, focus, and confidence that gymnastics taught him.



We would like to give a BIG thank you to Fbsport for sponsoring our gym with quality inflatable mats and gym equipment!

We are proud to be sponsored by Silveria Chevrolet for our competitive team fundraising needs!